Friday, October 21, 2022

Thank You Notes

I really am a much better person 

than I make out to be 

It’s just that it is so much work, 

this obsessing about the 

access of what is good

suppression of negatives

that are wholly unacceptable to others

(especially you and you)

it’s an unavoidable dichotomy, 




everyone else 

will have been fooled,

and who cares anyway

but you have been there 

my constants 

harboring an innate intelligence 

you refuse to flaunt 

my only ask is that you

hold this message close.

on rainy nights place it under

your pillow

consider it my

thank you in advance 

for all the grace 

the slack cut

the humility served 

Saturday, October 1, 2022


It was a long time ago

though these marks

one not only sees, 

she feels them

on skin and bone and muscle

more deeply in soul and heart 

these bruises are the sort, 

in any usual corporeal sense,

where a doctor might say 

we should  probably 

run a few tests 

maybe some blood work

ask a few pertinent questions 

if all results are negative

then we take a wait and see 

until next time